Impact Safety Bollards

Impact Safety Bollards are designed to protect mainly corners. Thus, bollards can be applied for different scopes: door protection, rack leg protection, column protection, etc. Bollards are usually installed where vehicles run in a roundabout movement. To understand which bollard model suits best the needs, it starts from assessing the Impact Safety Risk:

  • Type of material handling equipment moving around: vehicle model & weight (Kg)
  • Average speed at which the material handling equipment runs: km/h
  • Possible angle of impact at which a material handling equipment can crash: 15°, 30°, 45° or 90°

The mix of this data helps our Safety Consultant to advise about the best bollard model and its applications. Contact us for more on-line information or free on-site consultancy.

Technical Specs

D - mm
H - mm
Anchoring Pullout
Total Floor Space 
IP Grade
Flame Extinguishing Rate
10045010 50058024359UL94: HB
12045016 85058019759UL94: HB
14045023 95058012559UL94: HB
10078010 50058030259UL94: HB
12078016 85058028059UL94: HB
14078023 95058023559UL94: HB
100110010 50058039559UL94: HB
120111016 85058037559UL94: HB
140111023 95058031059UL94: HB

 Customized solution and colours on request


  • Column Protection
  • Machinery Protection
  • Corner Protection
  • Door Ways Protection

Good Protection 

Bad Protection 

Compliant Crash Testing

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We test our products in compliance with the industry's World-class standards: PAS13:2017 and UNI 11886.

  • We measure barriers resistance in "Joules" according to the following formula: 
    Kinetic Energy = 1/2*m*v² | M= Mass (Kg) and V = Velocity (Km/h)

  • We make sure test only on real floor: armed concrete; we don't test on metal platforms.

  • We make sure vehicle impact takes place at the worst-scenario angle: 90°.

Finally, Bambarrier Bollard is certified compliant when:

  • It stops the crashing vehicle safely without breaking itself and without breaking the floor.

  • It can be hit repeatedly without getting loose and without breaking the floor.

  • When after an impact, it occupies a very small space on the floor.

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Bollard Fixing

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Impact Safety Bollards protect

Request for your free quotation

Write us
or call us +39 347 46 74 056
and arrange on a suitable date and method of presentation.

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